Saturday, December 16, 2006


The sun…
Up in the sky
Shining so bright
Gives light and heat to everything

Down here
Stays in the dark
Brings gloom and coldness to others…

I can say that somehow, you would agree with what I say about the sun, but not of man. I know…and I am just being sarcastic. But hey, isn’t it true that sometimes, man is like that? I am a man, so sometimes I am just like that.
But there is one thing that I would like to look at this point. There is one similarity among many between the sun and man…as seen and said by my philosophy teacher. (thanks, ma’am!)
“The sun has its spots, but it doesn’t make the sun less brighter…”
What am I talking about here?
Imperfections, that is…
We are aware that all of us have imperfections, right? And these imperfections make us human. If we are perfect, we are like GOD. But we are not.
Frailty, shortcomings, sins, and things similar to these are things that we don’t share with GOD. We, humans as such, have these. But how do we see these? What do we do about it?
As I see it, don’t let our imperfections get the best of us. Are we so weak so as to let ourselves be swallowed by the darkness of our imperfections? I think not. Because along with our imperfections, GOD gave us many things for us to bring ourselves closer to him, and closer to the perfection that he has. Let’s face it, we can never be like GOD, but having the thought of us sharing His glory, makes us happy within, and without.
I would now like to ask you to look at the sun. (Hey, not like that? You might get blinded! Don’t be like Galileo, ok?) Imagine the image of the sun. It is so bright, isn’t it? Yet, science proved that though the sun is so bright, there are many dark spots in it, emitting less or no heat at all. Yet somehow we still find it difficult look at it directly.
I think, this is the time that we aim to be like the sun (not in everything, ok?) it is bright, although with some spots in it. Shine like the sun for others, but do not blind them. Give light to others. And though we have our imperfections in us, being aware of them, understanding them and using them as challenges and means to help others; makes us shine…
Shine for ourselves…shine for others…shine for GOD.

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