Sunday, January 13, 2008

belated posts...not been bloggin' lately

Serenity Prayer

I liked this prayer for the reason that it fits whatever that had transpired in my life in the past, happening at the present, and would happen in the future. I want to give some thought on it, especially its first part…


“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference…” The first line had been the eye-catcher for me in the sense that it struck me. I came to ask myself these questions: “What are the things that I would have wanted to change, but was unable to do so? that I was able to? What and where lies the difference?”

I was the Vice-President for Internal Affairs of the College Department of Don Bosco-Canlubang. Honestly, I was really idealistic when I first came into position. Considering that I was just a transferee then, I asked myself, “How can I lead, if I don’t know how? How can I lead them, if I don’t know them?” Yet for a year and a half of serving in that position, I came to realize, that there’s more to it than meets the eye.

I was a new student in that school back then, so I have struggled to learn much about almost anything that I need and have to know about my duties and responsibilities. I was new to the environment you know. I came from a former school a lot different from where I am now. Also, I tried my best to be optimistic most of the times; even if there’s no more reason for it.

When I came to the position, I have so much in mind: plans, proposals, ideas, activities and many more; all for the benefit of the students; who I promised to serve. But as I proceeded with my term of office, I came to realize that not all of those that I had in mind can be real. I wasn’t able to accept them at first, and was willing to fight for what I believe if I was given a chance.

But then, there were also times when I had the chance to see my plans through; to change the things that I knew I can. However, I cowered and displaced myself on one corner, having the thought that even if I knew I can, it won’t succeed.


Collection of thoughts to reflect this New Year:

At the end of the previous year, I was able to encounter some words which I thought to be best for me as my guiding thoughts for the year. Some of which are the following:

From Rene Descartes…

It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.

The Zero Fallacy…

The fact that it is limited doesn’t mean that there is none.

The fact that it is not seen doesn’t mean it’s not there.

The fact that it is unnoticeable doesn’t mean it can’t hurt of affect you.

A message at the beginning and as the semester continues…

“Whatever life you discover at the margins, must be verified and tested at the center”

Another thought…

Are the questions that are most needed to ask are the questions not being asked in the first place?

And when it is asked, is it answered?

Are things asked that are not answered, not answered because one cannot? Or one does not want?




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