Thursday, April 26, 2007


“You know you are your own. And you know that who you are is a result of your own search of gaining yourself. Yet you won’t be that person you are bragging about right know without those who made you to become as such. So don’t be stupid letting the whole world know that you are who you are because of your own. You’re such one big hypocrite”.

“Am I really the one to blame that you ended up like trash? You made it this way. I won’t say it’s your fault why nobody’s listening to you anymore. Maybe, I may have a hand in leading you to your ‘demise’. But hey, look at you! You say you’re wise? What have you done, then? You just lead yourself and others to a place only you can see. What have you done to them? You made them believe that what you perceive is that which they must believe as well. They have their own minds, and neglecting that really hits the spot. Because of this, you are now just all by yourself…alone.”

“If you feel that you are unrecognized or disrespected, don’t treat them the same way. Knowing this makes you wiser than them. You know better. If you do, you’ll just end up being one of those who you despise: them.”

“I’ve had enough of this joke! Why am I doing this in the first place, ei? Is it because of you? Or is it because of them? Look at this! Are we still on the track we see fit for us? Maybe, this is one big joke after all. Don’t tell me this is the only way, or is it just this is the only way you see fit for you? If you want, just lead yourself crashing. Don’t bring all of us down with you. Unless you see what needs to be done, all I can say is: I pity you. What I can do? Hey…don’t expect me to do everything. You’re not helping yourself. Why should I? ”

“You always end up blaming yourself for whatever failure is happening between you and the other person. You also blame yourself for the wrong things happening that involves you. But come think about this…are you the only one capable of committing failures? Are you the only one who could think, and sometimes even think wrongly? Blaming yourself somehow implies that you deprive others of the chance to commit mistakes…that shouldn’t be it.”

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